
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Birthday Card and Matching Box for a special friend

I made this card and matching box for a very dear friend at work for her birthday. Inside the box was a bracelet I made for her. There is a funny story about her and I. Six years ago she worked at another building than where I worked and she would call me each morning with her breakfast and lunch count for that building. We never met all that year but talked on the phone each morning. The next year I moved to another building so I no longer talked to her each day. Two years ago she was moved to the school  where I work. The first day when they introduced her to me I kept thinking that I knew her from somewhere but couldn't figure out where. All day long that day I kept trying to remember how I knew her and why she was so familiar to me. The next day it came to me why her voice was so familiar...she was the lady I had talked to every morning four years earlier!!! We were once again together and became best of friends. We even knew what the other one was thinking...which could be a bad thing sometimes!!! :-) We have had the best time working together these past two years. But she is retiring now and so I will no longer have her there with me each day to make me laugh and brighten my day. I will miss her so much!!! Love ya Connie-- enjoy your retirement, take care and keep in touch!!


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